Love In The Body Of Christ: (read John 13: 34-35)

The saying "Learning starts at home" is a great way to start this post. We see this so much in the world today, children with no manners, rude , disrespectful and some down right dangerous to others. If you follow these wanderer's home you may find there is no structure , no Love and a self serving spirit permeating the home.

Question: What would someone find if they followed you to your home Church? A self serving spirit? No Real love? Oh we might put on the Face of Brotherly Love but the action word "Love" stays locked up in the dark corners of our hearts. Do we really care for one another?  Do we sacrifice for each other going the extra mile?

Lets look at the early church were their contemporary Tertullian said" BEHOLD HOW THEY LOVE ONE ANOTHER" Jesus had prayed that his followers would be "one." In spite of problems on the inside and threats from the outside,His prayer was conspicuously answered among those earliest Christians. Fellowship between them was quick and intimate. They met together , often daily, in the Temple or in homes. They greeted each other warmly "with a Holy kiss," were concerned about each others needs, shared their possessions, often cried when they separated, and traveled countless miles on foot to see and help each other.
How do we account for such affection?

Each of these men and women had known a person "Jesus". They were bound together by this personal experience. They had been confronted with the claims of this God-man who had appeared in their world, who had lived and died, risen from the dead, gone back to heaven, and promised to return. Even those who hadn't known Him personally were convinced by eyewitnesses who had examined the evidence, decided to believe Jesus claims, and at terrible risk- became his followers.

You see at that time you were going against the world, Jews hated you , the Romans despised you and your own family despised you for following this man from Galilee. Only under strong conviction and solid determination to follow Jesus at any cost would any one publicly identify himself with this strange new group. Here we have a great diverse people, from harlots and tax collectors to rich merchants and young children, all of whom believed on the name and person of Jesus The Christ. They were denounced by political leaders , often made fun of,
excommunicated ,jailed for their faith, driven out of their homes and chased from city to city, or sentenced to die. With such prospects people did not lightly decide to become Christians.

They were a new people, new creations. They faced dangers together and new a love that could see them through. It was this love that bound them together, nothing could separate them from it. It flowed down and through them , out to each other and the world. They were not their own, and they knew it. They had been bought for a price and it was a great price. This great price bonded them together so close that they were more concerned about each other then themselves. They Loved Each Other because they knew Jesus and He knew them.

Question: Do you know Jesus? If it cost you your job, home and all your wealth to follow him today , would you? If you were threatened with death would you still believe? Are you really transformed into this body of believers. Do you Love them? Would you give your all for them?
You see to have this Love in the body you must have this Love for Jesus first.. He is the Head.

The conclusion of this matter " Love In The Body Of Christ" is to come to him and surrender you self to his Lordship. Then we can love with a perfect Love.

Active Faith

In practice we may detect the subtle (and often unconscious) substitution when we hear a Christian assure someone that he will "pray over" his problem, knowing full well that he intends to use prayer as a substitute for service. It is much easier to pray that a poor friend's needs may be supplied than to supply them. James' words burn with irony: Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? (2:15-16) And the mystical John sees also the incongruity involved in substituting religion for action: If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence (1 John 3:17-19). A proper understanding of this whole thing will destroy the false and artificial either/or. Then we will have not less faith but more godly works; not less praying but more serving; not fewer words but more holy deeds; not weaker profession but more courageous possession; not religion as a substitute for action but religion in faith-filled action. And what is that but to say that we will have come again to the teaching of the New Testament?