This is a Test of the Blessing Broadcast System

"Seek First the Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness and all these Blessings will Follow"

Have you ever thought what a great promise that is. How many of us put it to the test? You see God has this plan for you and me. It is not that hard if we do it in order . And if we do it in order then the Blessings of God will come to us. Don't get me wrong , its not the blessings we seek, it is the Kingdom. So lets take a look at this Kingdom we are to seek.

With any Kingdom there must be a King.

Some may be tyrants and some good, some lacking the welfare of his subjects and others giving to the needs of his people. So a Kingdom reflects the character of the King. Jesus the King of kings is our King and his Kingdom reflects his character.

In A Kingdom there are Laws set forth by the King. Laws in how one relates to another and to the King himself. Laws of moral Character and Laws of Kingdom Living. Jesus said in Luke 17:21
"The Kingdom of God is in the midst of you". In other words he was saying that were the King is ,there is the Kingdom. let me state that again..WERE THE KING IS THERE IS THE KINGDOM. So were is the King in relationship to you?

Well to first enter this Kingdom you must have a new birth.(matt.18:3) You must come to the knowledge you are a sinner and you deserve punishment. Then accept the fact that your punishment i.e the penalty for your sins was paid for by Jesus. You are free if you accept this and repent of your sins..turn away from them. No matter what you have done. I think the greatest part of this is the fact that God Himself draws you to the cross. He does not want anyone to die in their sins. But alas it is a choice.

Now we are a part of the Kingdom. 

Jesus has made a home in your hearts and remember were the King is there is the Kingdom. You see you were once in a kingdom , a kingdom of darkness. but now God has translated you into the Kingdom of His Dear Son. The evidence of this is obedience to Jesus, and his Righteousness. We seek in our lives whatever conforms to the revealed will of God. We seek His Righteousness. Vines says"Righteousness is not said to be imputed to the believer in the same way faith is imputed for righteousness ." In other words Faith exercised brings you into vital union with God in Christ, producing righteousness of life, the conformity to the will of God.

All this is a beginning, a step to what we will become at the return of our Lord Jesus. As we seek his Kingdom and Righteousness we are Blessed. He meets our every need. He said it and its True. So Brothers and Sisters seek the Lord with all that is within you, step up to his Kingdom Living and be a blessing to a world lost and seperated..Go

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