God it Hurts!!

As I look back on my life I can see the Hand of God and His love for me. So many times he has had Mercy on me. The Lord has directed my Life back to himself so many times when I strayed. There were times when I asked Why!! Why do you still care for me when I have walked away from you. Why do you Love ME. Now this was not a pity party, but a heart felt Shame that He Loved me even in my sin. And that was the answer....He First Loved Me!! Loved Ones let me tell you that Real Love Covers a Multitude Of Sins.

 Now I want to tell you that Everything Was Rosy and perfect in his Love for me but I would be lying. God in his Love for His Children Brings Chastisement to them to set them back on the right path. And this Chastisement seem Grievous to me at the time. I thank God for it Now. You see I have learned about His Love for me through it and a correction of my thoughts and actions for the better.

 He Really Loves Me and I Him. God is Worthy to be Loved, Worthy to be Praised ,Worthy to be Worshiped and Worthy to be Called Father. Some of you who are reading this now need to know that. Remember your Mother of Father used to put Bactine on you cuts and scraps it had that sting for a moment then that Hug from dad and the pain was gone. Our Father in Heaven is so much Better at healing and Hugging. Amen

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